Dance Photography Tips and Techniques

Dancing is one of the most beautiful arts ever known. Dancing is simply irresistible, which is why a lot of photographers love making it their main subject by capturing the beauty of the physical body in motion.

Like anything that’s in motion, taking photos of the dance or dancers is not an easy job. You have to consider a lot of things before shooting.

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Things to Consider Before Shooting

1. Dancing is moving. Meaning that your subjects move around most of the time. You need to know how to focus well.

2. You need to work on how to get the right angles which will lead to the most interesting poses. Since your subjects are always on the move, it will be difficult to get a photo showing their faces, without showing them the story would be incomplete.

3. Next, you need to have a proper photography lighting.

Using the above tips can help solve many issues that you might have.

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Tips for Taking Dance Photos

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Every dancer needs an audition photo shoot during their careers. A photographer experience in this particular field needs to be assisting dancers in their right angles and poses, and presenting every dancer in their best audition and personal marketing.

1. Firstly here are some simple suggestions on focusing:

-Use Autofocus. You should not do all the focusing yourself.

-Use a monopod (or tripod if it’s allowed). This is the best way to keep your shots still. It is also a good technique for keeping your photos in good focus.

-If possible and if it’s allowed, use a flash. Combine your flash with slow shutter speed and you will be amazed with your dance photo.

2. If your aim is to show the faces of the dancers, you have to move around and experiment on different angles. Taking photos from different angles will also help you achieve good results. It will be surprising on how dynamic your photos will look. Imagine yourself like a dancer or choreographer so that you’ll be able to visualize the sequence of shots you’re going to take.

3. It is very important to know how to use your flash properly. If you use too little of it, your images will not be as sharp. Using too much of it, you’ll get overexposed and non-blurry photos. To get rid of this problem, reduce the ISO, narrow the aperture and/or slow down the shutter speed.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]True photography is combination of the experience and creativity. Try and try again. It’s the best way to learn and become good at what you love to do. If you love shooting dance moments, you should start with the tips we have shared with you here. And if you want to get some inspiration, check out our portfolio.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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